Formal Potager Design

This beautiful formal potager was designed virtually. We collaborated via video calls, emails and texts. My client took careful measurements of her property and we really took time to identify what was most important to her: Production and Beauty

 Small Residential Design

Don’t worry about construction!

It’s messy, but it will all be done very quickly and you will be on your way to enjoying your little potager.

Ashley put in three 4x6 raised beds in 2020 and had a beautiful bountiful harvest her first year! She started most of her vegetables inside under a grow light and then transplanted them into her raised beds. She was so excited to harvest her first vegetables, especially the cute little french radishes and carrots! Ashley canned tomato sauce and she and her family ate fresh cucumbers and beans all summer long.

(She recruited friends and family to build the beds and fill them with topsoil, sand and compost.)