
Iā€™m just a gardener with lots of experience, failures, successes, passion and dirty nails!

And my favorite way to garden is to put on a sun hat, grab a glass of lemonade and tell the man where to dig. :)

Cynthia Kashef

I've been gardening for over 30 years and it started with just wanting a few wild flowers in my back yard, which my husband promptly mowed down.  I divorced him. :)  Then I got really interested in design and growing my own food along side flowers and herbs.  I always need my vegetable gardens to be more than utilitarian.  They need to be beautiful.  I was in a townhouse for about 5 years, and was sneaking vegetables and flowers among the manicured landscape.  I thought I was ready to downsize, but I wasn't.  I went to the kitchen garden at Hampton Court in England a few years ago and was so taken with the walled garden with it's pathways and little raised beds.  It was so beautiful, and I thought, this is what I want at home.  So I set about walling in my front garden, (I am now on 5 acres with chickens and bees) with a rusty fence and gates and arches, and my sidewalk curves up to my front door through the garden.  Heaven! I have learned by much trial and error and I've had enough successes and have enough passion for kitchen gardens, that I can very happily get you started.

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