
Rabbits are eating my beets.  (I am growing beets because my husband loves beets and eats them in his salad every day!  He eats healthier than anyone I know.)  So, back to the beets.


I have them in two one-level (short) raised beds in my kitchen garden.  I have not taken the time to chicken wire the bottom of the fenced garden yet, although, that may be my best bet.  Not sure what to do with the 3 gates into and out of my garden, so in the meantime, I’ve been throwing flimsy black netting over the beds.  I think the rabbits are going under.  Big surprise.

Obviously, I did not do a very good job.


So last night I had this scathingly brilliant idea.  I put a fitted sheet over one of the beds.  In the future, this will work great for nights when we don’t have a torrential rain for hours and hours like we did last night.  The bed did okay, but if I hadn’t had a boxwood in the planter, I think the plants would have been completely smashed.  Anyway, it will work until I can get a more permanent solution, as long as it doesn’t rain.  Peter rabbit and his friends do not bother the garden during the day, since we have Steve the cat that patrols, but if he manages to ignore curfew and not come in at night, he must be roaming the woods, because that is when Peter is having dinner.


Another solution would be to make a cage for each of the beds.  I have them for some of my taller raised beds outside the fenced kitchen garden, but that is for keeping the deer out, so they are about 2.5 feet tall and no ceiling.  I would need to “chickenwire” (I use this word as an adverb) the sides and the top.  Something I can pop on at night and take off in the morning.  But where to store it?  Ah, the details.


So that will be my next project.


My pink shoes!