Raised~Bed Kitchen Garden Designed for You!


The French word “POTAGER” (poh—tah—zhay′) translates to “kitchen garden.”  A potager is first of all BEAUTIFUL, close to the kitchen and mixes vegetables, herbs and flowers.

This is quintessential companion planting! :)

My Little Potager designs beautiful and bountiful kitchen gardens tailored to your lifestyle and budget.

Whether you're dreaming of a large traditional potager or a small garden with an arch, we can make it happen.

We also offer guidance for DIY construction and planting. :)


“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.”

~Minnie Aumonier

 All of us understand the value of a garden-centered lifestyle.

But let’s be real:

Setting up and growing a garden in Minnesota’s climate can be hard work,

but it doesn’t have to be!

That’s where I come in!

I will design a garden just for you, taking into account your budget, your lifestyle, and what you love to eat. It can be as small as two 4x6 beds with an arbor or a full on large formal potager.

And don’t worry about construction! You can hire a local landscaper, or many of my clients DIY it with some guidance from me. :)

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It’s messy, but it will all be done very quickly and you will be on your way to enjoying your little potager and eating carrots.